Sunday, May 17, 2020

Americas Fascination with Serial Killers - 692 Words

As Boorstin identified, we choose who is famous by our attention, what they do in fact is not what determines their fate. Fame is no longer about the deed behind it, but simply the spectacle – Hitler made the cover of Time magazine seven times, Stalin following with 12 covers of his own. The line between people we love to love and people we love to hate is becoming thinner and blurred, so we thrust not only heroes into the public view but also ‘villains’. This confusion between fame and celebrity owes a lot to the change in newspapers over time; where once they delivered unbiased and detailed factual accounts on events that happened, in the new age of mass media they began to compete with the magazines. Tabloidisation meant that rather than objective articles based on fact we were instead victim to the ‘murder hype’, with sensation-fuelled stories about the latest fashionable murder trial, the papers giving the killers their own stage name and persona to match. The idea of giving serial killers their own moniker is something that has contributed tremendously to the glamorisation of killers, because it is much like a stage name that you would give an actor or a singer. The names can either relate to the act or style of killings – i.e Jack The Ripper, which conjures a mental image of the killer at work – or could be to do with their location as in ‘The Boston Strangler’. This trend seems to originate from the United States, for it is across their newspapers and news shows thatShow MoreRelatedSerial Killers in Modern Society1558 Words   |  6 PagesSerial Killers in Modern Society Introduction For hundreds of years, serial killers have actually been a huge fascination all over the world. Even though society has an undeveloped idea as to what a serial killer is and how they function, there is much more to serial killers that people are probably unaware of. 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Add to this the number of known victims of serial killers, then betweenRead MoreHow Serial Killers came to be Essay1921 Words   |  8 PagesA serial killer is traditional defined as the separate killings of three or more people by an individual over a certain period of time, usually with breaks between the murders. (Angela Pilson, p. 2, 2011) This definition has been accepted by both the police and academics and therefore provides a useful frame of reference (Kevin Haggerty, p.1, 2009). The paper will seek to provide the readers with an explanation of how serial killers came to be and h ow they are portrayed in the media. Several serialRead MoreNature vs Nurture1880 Words   |  8 America has a fascination with serial killers. Everything about them is interesting to us. There are so many questions that we have. It is incomprehensible to most people how someone can go out and kill dozens of people, seemingly without any remorse. 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Holmes, one of America’s first notorious serial killers. His narrative takes place in his â€Å"Murder Castle† and shows his complicated history and his numerous cr edit scams, identity scams, and most importantly, murders. It is also important to note Patrick Prendergast, an Irish immigrantRead MoreThe Red City By Erik Larson2041 Words   |  9 Pagesthat happened behind the scenes at the 1893 World’s Fair are recounted and used to analyze how society was impacted. The good reviews of this book help highlight the cultural importance of the 1893 World’s Fair, architect Daniel H. Burnham, and serial killer H.H. Holmes have on society today. H.H. Holmes was brought up in a small town in New Hampshire and was projected to have a normal life, or so they had thought. Holmes was born as Herman Webster Mudgett on May 16th, 1861 in Gilmanton, NH (â€Å"HRead MoreH. H. Holmes2284 Words   |  10 PagesDR. H. H. Holmes, One of Americas first Serial Killers. Tommy Smith Criminal Justice Case Study Instructor: Dennis Stephens 3/24/11 Bibliography Borowski, John (November 2005). Estrada, Dimas. ed. The Strange Case of Dr. H. H. Holmes: Worlds First Serial Killer. West Hollywood, CA: Waterfront Productions. â€Å"H. H. Holmes Biography.† 2011 AE Television Networks Holmes, H. H. Holmes Own Story. Burk McFetridge, 1895. Ramsland, KatherineRead More An Analysis of Joyce Carol Oates’ Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been1902 Words   |  8 Pagesfive volumes of poetry, six editions of plays, eight books of essays, and countless more umcollected works (Kellman 487). As the format for her writing varies, so does her subject matter. Her creations cover a wide range of genres, but Oates main fascination is contemporary America with its colliding social and economic forces, its philosophical contradictions, its wayward, often violent energies (Johnson 8). Oates works, and somethimes even Oates herself, have been subject to responses ranging from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Tempest” “Moonlight” Sonata’s a Coupled Analysis Essay

Classic Composers: Ludwig van Beethoven â€Å"Tempest† amp; â€Å"Moonlight† Sonata’s: A Coupled Analysis Beethoven’s â€Å"Tempest† and â€Å"Moonlight† sonatas are by themselves sublime pieces to any ear, each encapsulating within their notes such a build up of extreme human emotion, until their 3rd movements wherein which the pressure becomes to much to contain, ultimately resulting in a climax of genuine sentiment. When one interprets the final movements of both sonatas in such a way that the similarities as well as the differences between the two can be acknowledged, one then cannot only better understand the reasons those same movements are able to exemplify such striking affects, but also why the emotion that is instituted by them is†¦show more content†¦Through the frantic energy and disjointed rhythms, one can connect a sense of unrequited love, which began to formulate within the 1st movement, and has now erupted into feelings of grudging acceptance, and emotional despair. The rest of the movement, through its various up’s and downâ€⠄¢s, illustrate the continued pursuit of reaching this unknown destination and the struggle to be liberated from ongoing affliction. Finally, following an emotional climax in which it would seem the sought after goal was briefly reached, the melody quickly spirals downwards, farther below than where it started even, and it is then conveyed that this struggle is one of perpetual force, its conflict unconquerable. In Beethoven’s â€Å"Tempest†, although it does share qualities with â€Å"moonlight† such as its fast, rondo-sonata form, the variance in repeated sequence of chord, and the presence of a very fluid emotional scheme which ends in climax, the emotion that is revealed is very different from that of â€Å"moonlights†. The affect I find most suitable to the 3rd movement of the â€Å"tempest† is an emergence from a swirling waltz, from which exudes a feeling of great optimistic happiness. The formulation of rising hopefulness that has accrued since the 1st movement is seen here, where it is involved in an epic battle through which it struggles to obtain a climax of unbridled spirit and positivity. After much effort, the desired outcome is reached,

Imaginings of Space in Immigration Lawâ€Free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Imaginings of Space in Immigration Law. Answer: Aaa Bbb 3354, Sun Street Road Australia 3000504 Date: 26 June 2016 To Whom It May Concern: Dear Sir, This is to bring to your kind notice that my client Raphael Rivero is currently holding visa Class FA, Subclass 600 with conditions 8101, 8202, 8503 and 8501 attached to it. However, now he needs to extend his stay in Australia as his wife is pregnant and she is diagnosed with a severe disease known as pre-elampasia. Knowing that Olivia is completely dependent on Raphael for her needs, it is important for him to comply with the instructions from the obstetrician. Additionally, Olivia is also diagnosed with mild reactive depression due to her sickness. Olivia is dependent on Raphael for physical and emotional support. Hence, in such a scenario it is important for him to seek waiver of condition 8503 from his existing visitor visa so that he is able to stay in Australia for a longer period of time. As a migration agent of my client, I believe that seeking an application for the waiver of condition 8503 is justified. Condition 8503 is a no further stay condition that restricts a person from applying a visa whether temporary or permanent in nature while they are continuing their stay in Australia[1]. No further stay condition includes 8503, 8534 and 8535. If any of these circumstances are forced on the visa, it means that a person cannot pertain for another visa to extend their stay. Raphael has such a condition imposed on his visa; this means that he does not have the power to extend his visitor visa. However, when he leaves Australia the no further stay condition shall not prevent him from applying other visas. Condition 8503 is a obligatory on the following types of visas: Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) Subclass Visa (402) Holiday Visa ( Subclass 462) If the above mentioned visa has condition 8503 imposed on it, then a person cannot apply for any other visa other than a Protection Visa. It is not possible to request removal of No Further Stay condition at the time when the person applies for the visa. However, if a persons situations change while he is in Australia, there is a stipulation to relinquish the condition in partial circumstances[3]. The waiver circumstances are listed in Regulation 2.05(4) of the migration law of Australia. According to the Regulation, the circumstances in which a person might get his condition 8503 waived are as follows: From the time when the person was granted the visa, he developed certain considerate or compelling conditions over which the person had no power and such loss of control resulted in a key change of the persons situations. If the minister had earlier declined to surrender the condition, however, now he is pleased that the conditions mentioned earlier are dissimilar from those measured earlier. If the person asks the minister to relinquish the provision, the demand should be in writing. It is not probable for the respected Department to consider the waiver conditions for any other reasons. Hence, at the time of applying for waiver of condition 8503, the department should be satisfied that due to major change in the existing circumstances of a person he needs to waive the condition so that he can continue his stay in Australia[6]. However, waiver is not automatic; it is granted after proper analysis of the existing circumstances of an individual. As per the Department, compassionate and compelling situations include death, illness or medical condition of a close family member where it becomes important for the family member to continue their stay in Australia so that they may take care of their family member who is in need. Raphaels condition fulfills this requirement of a compassionate and compelling situation[7]. Therefore, in Raphaels situation he should be given an opportunity for waiver of the condition that is imposed on his visa. His situation is as compelling as any other situation that may invoke compassionate feeling. His wife is pregnant and ill, mentally as well as physically. It is really urgent for him to remove the existing condition as this may lead to not one but two loss of lives. If the DIBC removes this condition and waives the no further stay condition then he may apply for another visa and continue his stay in Australia. Therefore, it is a humble request to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for analyzing the difficult situation of Raphael and remove condition 8503 from his visitor visa. The medical certificate, letters from doctors, hospital bills, medical bills, and medical reports of Olivia and proof of residence of both Raphael and Olivia is attached along with the letter for the kind perusal of the Department. If Olivia needs to be undergo a medical a ssessment for confirmation of her sickness then she is absolutely fine to undergo such an assessment. I shall be waiting for a positive reply from your end. Kindly consider the current situation of Raphael and remove the condition from his visa. Yours sincerely, Aaa Bbb (Signature:) Migration Agent References: Hollifield, James, Philip Martin, and Pia Orrenius.Controlling immigration: A global perspective. Stanford University Press, 2014. Korostil, Igor A., et al. "Near elimination of genital warts in Australia predicted with extension of human papillomavirus vaccination to males."Sexually transmitted diseases40.11 (2013): 833-835. Martinez, Omar, et al. "Evaluating the impact of immigration policies on health status among undocumented immigrants: a systematic review."Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health17.3 (2015): 947-970. Nethery, Amy, Brynna Rafferty-Brown, and Savitri Taylor. "Exporting detention: Australia-funded immigration detention in Indonesia."Journal of Refugee Studies26.1 (2013): 88-109. Newman, Louise, Nicholas Proctor, and Michael Dudley. "Seeking asylum in Australia: immigration detention, human rights and mental health care."Australasian Psychiatry21.4 (2013): 315-320. Newman, Louise. "Seeking asylumtrauma, mental health, and human rights: An Australian perspective."Journal of Trauma Dissociation14.2 (2013): 213-223. Volpp, Leti. "Imaginings of space in immigration law."Law, Culture and the Humanities(2012): 1743872111435963.